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Google Latest Update for SEO in March 2024

Google Latest Update for SEO in March 2024

Google updated their Spam Explainer to reflect the March 2024 Core Algorithm Update. Everything that was added or taken away is listed below, along with what it means for the core algorithm change.

Google’s Latest Update: March 2024 Core Algorithm

There’s no doubt that Google’s update to the core algorithm is one of the big ones. The changes to the core ranking algorithm and other systems are very important.

The Reviews system’s switch from semi-monthly to continuous updates was the first sign that something was up because that kind of change usually comes before an update to Google’s underlying infrastructure, either software or hardware or both (as seen with Google’s Hummingbird update, which added power).

Google’s Spam Explainer document updates reveal critical hidden details regarding this month’s change, which focuses on links.

Prioritizing quality ranking

Google has publicly noted that this upgrade is more difficult than a usual core update, which is rare. The March 2024 Core Update integrates “helpful content” into its ranking mechanism. This integration aims to dramatically reduce useless search results and punish spammers. Site reputation, expired domains, and scaled content misuse were targeted by new spam policies. Google says:

Starting today, we’ll address more manipulative behaviours. Our ranking mechanisms prevent low-quality content from ranking highly on search, but these enhancements allow us to target spam policies more effectively.”

Content creators should also check their spam rules to verify they meet Google’s criteria. Their use of ‘creators’ suggests they are thinking beyond the webmaster. The core update notice from Google mentions a “spam manual action” regarding spam. This indicates Google is using more human methods to combat AI-assisted system misuse.

Google hopes this multi-pronged change will improve the user experience by improving search results and discouraging site owners from gaming their systems. Specific areas of attention include:

Reputation Abuse on a Site

Abuse of a site’s reputation happens when a trusted site posts content from a third party without checking it first, to benefit from the first site’s Google search signals and good reputation. By no means does this mean that all information from a third party is illegal. It means that the content provided must be useful to the people who visit the site and not just made to trick search engines.

Abuse of an Expired Domain

An issue that Google also deals with in the March 2024 Core Update is an abuse of defunct domains. This happens when someone buys an expired name and then uses it to boost the ranking of low-quality content by making people think the new content is from the old site.

Abuse of Scaled Content

Scaled content abuse is when a lot of pages are made with the main goal of moving the site up in the search results instead of helping people. Google said that this change will affect both human-made and AI-made content. It will move less useful content lower in the SERPs and bring more useful content-hosting sites closer to the top.

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Final Thoughts

These are the four additions to Google’s spam explanatory page that focus on link signals. Some of the changes may appear unclear to offer the overall shape of the new link signals while not specifying what those changes are, which is understandable.

Google Latest Update for SEO in March 2024

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